मातृभूमि लघुबित्त बित्तीय संस्था लिमिटेड काे २०८१ भाद्र ३० र ३१ गते बुटवलमा सम्पन्न राष्ट्रिय सम्मेलन ।
किसान लघुवित्त वित्तीय संस्था लि. र जाल्पा सामुदायिक लघुवित्त वित्तीय संस्था लि. मर्ज भई मिति २०८१ असार २७ गतेदेखि मातृभूमि लघुवित्त वित्तीय संस्था लि. काे नाममा एकीकृत कारोबारको शुभारम्भ गरेको छ!
मातृभूमि लघुवित्त वित्तीय संस्था लिमिटेडको सञ्चालक समितिको अध्यक्ष जस्तो गरिमामय पदमा श्री लोकराज शर्माज्यू सर्वसम्मत चयन हुनुभएकोमा हार्दिक बधाई एवं सफल कार्यकालको शुभकामना व्यक्त गर्न चाहन्छौं।
Global Money Week २०२५ को "Think Before You Follow, Wise Money Tomorrow" भन्ने नारालाई आत्मसात् गर्दै मातृभूमि लघुवित्त वित्तीय संस्था लिमिटेडले आफ्ना विभिन्न शाखा कार्यालयहरू मार्फत वित्तीय साक्षरता कार्यक्रम सञ्चालन गर्दै ।
Matribhumi Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. (MLBSL) is a national level microfinance institution licensed by Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB), the central bank of Nepal as a ‘D’ class financial institution. This institution is incorporated as a public limited company under the Companies Act, 2063 (2006).
MLBSL has a very successful history of merger of seven microfinance institutions (namely the then NRN Laghubitta, Kisan Microfinance, Dibya Laghubitta, Creative Laghubitta, Ramarosan Laghubitta, Jalpa Laghubitta, & Mahila samudayik Laghubitta) within a short span of time in two steps. The lead role of merger of these institutions were played by NRN Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. NRN Laghubitta was promoted by Non-Residence Nepalese, bankers, retired government officials and other reputed personalities. Initially NRN acquired two smaller size regional level microfinance institutions namely Creative and Ramarosan on 24th Bhadra 2076 (10th September 2019)
Matribhumi Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. (MLBSL) is a national level microfinance institution licensed by Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB), the central bank of Nepal as a ‘D’ class financial institution. This institution is incorporated as a public limited company under the Companies Act, 2063 (2006).
MLBSL has a very successful history of merger of seven microfinance institutions (namely the then NRN Laghubitta, Kisan Microfinance, Dibya Laghubitta, Creative Laghubitta, Ramarosan Laghubitta, Jalpa Laghubitta, & Mahila samudayik Laghubitta) within a short span of time in two steps. The lead role of merger of these institutions were played by NRN Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. NRN Laghubitta was promoted by Non-Residence Nepalese, bankers, retired government officials and other reputed personalities. Initially NRN acquired two smaller size regional level microfinance institutions namely Creative and Ramarosan on 24th Bhadra 2076 (10th September 2019)
"To be a leading financial institution of Nepal for social and economic transformation of the people."
"To be a leading Financial institution of Nepal for social and economic transformation of the people."
After the completion of GRT of a center, all eligible members can apply for the Saral Karja. It is group-based loan without collateral. This loan product has been designed to promote small-scale entrepreneurship of members and encourage them to uplift their economic status. This loan is targeted to the low income people of the rural areas.
Amount: 700000
In Years
Members who have completely paid the first loan and consuming second loan with regular installment payment are eligible to take extra loan as a Mausami Karja for their seasonal need.
Amount: 700000
In Years
In case of any emergency arises due to natural disaster, accident, serious illness and other events, good loanee can apply for this loan. The loan shall be provided in the center meeting or in the office. This loan is believed to be beneficial to the member in case any emergency situation happens to them.
Amount: 700000
In Years
MLBSL also provides small scale housing loan to its clients for low cost housing, maintenance of existing house, purchasing small plot of land for house construction etc. It is a collateral based loan for the individual as well as group members.
Amount: 700000
In Years
MLBSL also provides Baikalpik Urja Karja to establishment system of electricity infrastructure by Solar energy for their house or existing Projects.
Amount: 700000
In Years
This loan product is designed to the client members and their family members who are planning to go abroad for employment and are in need of financial support for the same.
Amount: 700000
In Years
This loan is offered to the clients who are planning to send their children for technical/ vocational education.
Amount: 700000
In Years
Accepted Laghuuddhyam Karja is also available to the individual or group members for carrying out a project. The amount of collateral based loan is relatively higher than the non-collateral loan.
Amount: 700000
In Years
MLBSL also provides small scale housing loan to its clients for low cost housing, maintenance of existing house, purchasing small plot of land for house construction etc. It is a collateral based loan for the individual as well as group members and the size of this loan is larger than non-collateral based loans.
Amount: 700000
In Years
Samuha Bachat is a compulsory saving after involvement in the center as a member. It is a saving product designed to make habit of regular saving to members and encourage them to create funds. A specified amount (not less than 100) has to be deposited by the member clients in every center meetings as a group saving until they remained in the center. An 7.5 percent interest rate is provided in this account.
Amount: None
In Years
Byaktigat Bachat is the optional saving product offered to all the members. Any amount can be deposited in this account. This saving product helps the member to improve their saving habit which is useful when they need fund for their personal use. They can withdraw the amount in any center meeting or other days from office.
Amount: None
In Years
Pension Bachat is also an optional saving product for members but it will be compulsory once they start deposit. Member can deposit a certain amount (not less than Rs.100) as their pension saving in every center meeting. Under this scheme, members will get double amount of their deposit after the completion of 15 years of continued deposit. However, they can get their deposit with normal interest rate if they want to withdraw earlier. After 15 years, members can be benefitted by a regular pension or they can withdraw the whole deposit amount at once.
Amount: None
In Years
It is also special types of optional saving offered to all the members to deposit the money when they getting fund after maturity of pension saving, other savings etc.
Amount: None
In Years
It is optional saving offered to all the members to support their project and small level industry at the time of establishment and running phase as per requirement of clients.
Amount: None
In Years
Remittance Bachat is optional types of saving that offered to all the members who have need to transfer salary amount from aboard and want to saving some amount to his/her account for futures use.
Amount: None
In Years
Bihani Baal Bachat is the optional saving product offered to all the members. Any amount can be deposited in this account. This saving product helps the member's Childs which is useful when they need fund for their Childs education support. They can withdraw the amount in any center meeting or other days from office.
Amount: None
In Years
Karmachari Bachat is the optional saving product offered to all the members. Staff Salary amount can be deposited in this account. This saving product helps the staff to improve their saving habit which is useful when they need fund for their personal use. They can withdraw the amount by issue the chequee from office.
Amount: None
In Years
Upakar Kosh Bachat is a common saving product for a center. This product has been designed for depositing the amount collected as penalties, fines & miscellaneous income of the group. The Center determines the amount for penalties, fines etc. This type of penalty system will help the center to enhance discipline of its members. The saving fund shall be used for the common benefit of the group.
Amount: None
In Years